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我們仔細管理我們的捐助者的投資。 ELAP (東區法律援助計劃) 是一個 501 (c) 3 非營利組織。 我們的聯邦稅務ID號碼是:91-1471384。 您可以在此處查看我們的經審計財務報表:

19 財年

18 財年

17 財年

501 (c) (3) 豁免
A young girl is affectionately kissing an elderly woman on the cheek.


A happy family with two children enjoying time together outdoors, with text indicating a 2020 community report for an organization named ELAP.
A smiling man and woman embrace in a heartwarming photo featured on a cover for a 2019 community report from a legal assistance program.
Our housing and DV programs are currently full. We have limited appointments available in our legal advice clinics.
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