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Virtual CLE: Unemployment Law

19jul12:00 PM1:30 PMVirtual CLE: Unemployment LawContinuing Legal Education12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Event Organized ByEastside Legal Assistance Program

Unemployment law CLE Wed July 19 from 12 to 1:30 pm

Event Details


This ELAP CLE is hosted in partnership with Unemployment Law Project with a specific focus on overpayments and the hearing process. This course is designed for attorneys assisting clients in unemployment hearings or dealing with overpayment issues.

Speakers from Unemployment Law Project are: John Tirpak, Executive Director; Anne Paxton, attorney and Policy Director; and Andy Paroff, Staff Attorney.

Advance RSVP required. Free.

Available for 1.5 MCLE credit (pending approval by WSBA). 



(Wednesday) 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Due to the high volume of calls, we are currently closed for new cases.
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