ELAP is currently experiencing a very high volume of calls that is affecting our operations. Please be aware that we may be delayed in returning your call. Due to high demand, we prioritize our services based on the highest need.
We are receiving twice as many calls weekly as we were in January. We are continuing to serve our community but are adjusting our operations to best match our resources with the community’s needs.
Please be advised that:
- Our new temporary phone intake hours are Tuesday-Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
- We are accepting new clients for domestic violence/family law and housing law based on the highest need, but in some cases, are booking out a few weeks to a month in advance
- We are prioritizing our legal clinic slots based on the highest need, and they are filling quickly
Thank you for your understanding. To make a donation to support ELAP, visit our donate page.