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Domestic Violence Legal Program

We empower survivors to use the legal system

A woman and a young girl with glasses are smiling and looking at a yellow-covered tablet while sitting on a couch.

What We Do

ELAP has three full-time staff attorneys dedicated to domestic violence cases. We also provide one-time legal advice to survivors in our free monthly legal clinics.

We help with:

  • Legal advice
  • Protection orders
  • Divorce, custody, and spousal support
  • Safety planning
  • Support during court process
  • Referrals to other services
A woman and a young girl with glasses are smiling and looking at a yellow-covered tablet while sitting on a couch.
A smiling mature woman with short gray hair wearing a patterned blouse and an orange cardigan, standing in front of green foliage.


You may qualify for legal help if:

  • You live in King County, or
  • You have a case in King County
Lawyer At Desk

How To Get Help

Legal help from staff attorneys:
You must receive a referral from a domestic violence program or other service provider, for example DAWN, New Beginnings, or LifeWire. We do not accept self-referrals for these services.

Legal clinics:
To make an appointment at one of our legal clinics, call our Help Line Monday-Friday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

425-747-7274 (English)

425-620-2778 (Español)

Lawyer At Desk

Thank You to Our Program Funders

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Due to the high volume of calls, we are currently closed for new cases.
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