Legal aid is a tool that prevents poverty and injustice. Make a gift today.
If you have questions or would like to see the impact of your donation, contact Alexandra Comstock, Development Director.
The Impact of Your Donation
Other Ways You Can Give
Do you work for a company that participates in workplace giving campaigns or matches charitable gifts?
For company matching:
Ask your company’s HR department if it has a workplace matching program.
For workplace giving campaigns:
Indicate that you would like your payroll deductions to benefit Eastside Legal Assistance Program.
- Combined Fund Drive (CFD) – State of Washington employees: Charity ID #0456886
- King County Employee Giving Program (KCEGP) – King County employees: Charity ID #9925
- Microsoft Employee Giving Campaign – Microsoft employees: Charity Name: Eastside Legal Assistance Program
If you have questions, contact Alexandra Comstock, Development Director.
You can support ELAP with a gift of stock, securities, or other assets from your 401k or IRA. Our federal tax ID number is: 91-1471384.
Contact Alexandra Comstock, Development Director, .
Please mail your check to:
Eastside Legal Assistance Program:
1239 120th Ave NE, Ste J
Bellevue, WA 98005
You can leave a lasting legacy through a will, bequest, or trust. Contact Alexandra Comstock, Development Director, for more information.
The following language may help you and your attorney when drawing up a bequest that meets your needs.
“I give to the Eastside Legal Assistance Program, a nonprofit corporation currently located at 1239 120th Ave NE Ste J, Bellevue, WA 98005 or its successor thereto, ______________* [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] for its unrestricted use and purpose.”
Legal name: Eastside Legal Assistance Program
Address: 1239 120th Ave NE Ste J, Bellevue, WA 98005
Federal tax ID number:91-1471384
* If you are interested in supporting a specific project or program, it is best to discuss your plans with us before completing your bequest language to confirm your wishes can be met by ELAP.
Make a gift in honor of loved ones or special occasions. Gifts can be made online, through phone, or by mail.
Contact Alexandra Comstock, Development Director.
To give monthly, select “Monthly” in donation form above and the amount you would like to contribute every month.
If you have questions about your monthly gift, please contact Alexandra Comstock, Development Director.