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Welcome Lucy and Danielle

We are excited to announce two new ELAP staffers who have joined our team!

Lucy Boateng, JD, has been hired as a housing attorney to serve the Kirkland community. Our Housing Stability Program provides civil (non-criminal) legal services to people facing housing-related challenges. ELAP’s staff attorneys help people navigate the confusing legal system, so they can stay in their home or secure new housing. The city of Kirkland provides funding support for this program.

Lucy previously worked as an immigration attorney with Northwest Immigrant Rights Project in Tacoma and The Community Legal Center in Memphis. She completed a fellowship with Legal Aid of Arkansas that focused on housing and earned her law degree from the University of Tennessee.

Danielle Caldwell is ELAP’s new community engagement manager. In this role, Danielle will be responsible for managing all our community outreach and education programs and coordinating with more than 30 nonprofit and agency partners in King County. She’ll also serve as a key liaison to other service providers and represent ELAP on coalitions throughout King County. We host dozens of free Know Your Rights events and webinars every year as part of our community education programs.

Danielle previously worked at Solid Ground as a social worker. She graduated cum laude from Washington State University.

“We are delighted to hire these two talented and passionate individuals to fill key positions that help ELAP reach more people who need civil legal aid services to meet the challenges of this pandemic,” said ELAP Executive Director Gerald Kröon.

Our Housing Stability Program helped more than 70 people maintain their housing last year. More than 500 people attended a free virtual legal clinic, and we provided more than 1,700 people with access to information about their legal rights last year. More than 3,400 people were served through an ELAP program in 2020.

Learn more about ELAP’s Housing Stability Program.

Watch past legal rights webinars.

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